Friday, March 23, 2012

Paisley went on a diet

For the past few weeks or so, Paisley hasn't been eating as much as she normally does. I mean, she typically wolfs down her food so fast, I've barely touched the surface of my food! This had Christine and Richie really worried, so they were making her all sorts of special dinners - eggs, bacon, chicken burgers, rice medley, pasta n' cheese, you name it. Sometimes she would eat a few bites, but what she didn't eat, I would happily finish off! Because she wasn't eating well, we both got to sleep upstairs the whole time - I of course, would stake out a spot on the bed!

During this time, Paisley went for many trips to the vet, and on one particular visit, she stayed there the whole day! When she came home, I wanted to play, but she didn't, as she could barely stand up. Christine and Richie carried her into the house, and she lied down where they put her (in her spot) and she didn't move for hours!

She stayed downstairs the whole evening and into the night. Richie stayed down there with her, and apparently she was not feeling well. The next day, she was up and about, but she smelled funny, and had a big patch of her tummy fur shaved off. I didn't like it, so I kept my distance.

Then Richie put on the cone of shame... I've had to wear that damned thing a couple of times - it's not much fun, as you end up bumping into everything with it! It didn't last long however, as Paisley had no interest in licking her tummy - I think she was too sore to do anything.

But after a week, Paisley has started eating normally again, and really is getting back to her old self. I'm not getting any more special meal leftovers anymore, but I really happy that Paisley is healing up and happy again!


Editor's note: Paisley had an 8 cm growth in her spleen that was removed last Monday. It turned out to be a high-grade spindle cell sarcoma - not a good thing. We'll cross our fingers that the cancer doesn't come back too quickly, but for now, Paisley is happy and eating well!


Anonymous said...

We are so relieved that Paisley is feeling much better! We became so worried while reading this post! Hope you spoil her for the next few days (and don't forget about Mischa!). :)

-Bailey and family

Anonymous said...

We are so relieved that Paisley is feeling much better! We became so worried while reading this post! Hope you spoil her for the next few days (and don't forget about Mischa!). :)

-Bailey and family

Shannon said...

Oh my goodness. I didn't know Rich. I just saw all of the posts now.