Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Just hangin' out

It would seem that this pandemic thing is still with us, and actually we are apparently in something called the "third wave". Not a clue what that means, as it's the same old routine here for me. Christine and Richie are with me almost all the time now, and since I can't go down stairs without one of the them helping me, I don't go out to the backyard as often anymore.

I haven't been a fan of sitting out on the front lawn much, but now that it is getting a bit nicer out, I've been enjoying a bit of sunbathing recently. Since my leg still hurts, I'm ok not going for much of a walk in the morning (we don't go for afternoon walkies anymore), so this is my opportunity to see and smell things outside. Even though I'm not much of a wanderer, I still have to stay tethered when I'm out front for some reason.

Christine especially likes sitting out with me when it is sunny like this, as she doesn't like the cold weather, certainly not like us Berners! She has also been working in her garden, and her flowers are starting to bloom; probably time for me to start mowing down on them, I guess.

Oh, and I guess it is my Nana's birthday today, so Richie put this silly bow on my head! They say that I am the best present ever!


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