Sunday, February 12, 2017

Brotherly fun!

We went for a car ride yesterday, and ended up at a new place that we have never been before. But when we got there, my brother Cooper was walking ahead of us with his humans!

There was so much fun stuff to sniff and smell - we ran back and forth, looking for new things. I found out very quickly, that the icy stuff can actually fall apart, and I fell into the cold water of the ditch. That's ok, as it gave me an opportunity to show Cooper how to properly drink from a ditch - i.e. lying down.

There were a lot of those big birds down there called "eagles", but I didn't pay them much attention. But there was some smelly stuff on the ground that apparently those photographer humans would bring to attract the eagles, and Cooper and I tried our best to sample some morsels. This did not make our humans happy.

Sometimes, the ditch would be deeper than others, and one time when I broke through the ice, I stuck my snout under, and got really dirty! Thanks Cooper's human for capturing a great pic of me all dirty.

Christine and Richie didn't really like that, and so they shooed us over to a small area that still had some snow, so that Cooper and I could do some wrestling and get a bit of the mud off our fur. It kinda worked, but I still got a partial bath when I got home. What a fun day with Cooper and his humans!


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