Sunday, September 11, 2016

So this is my backyard

Yep. Mine. Like I own it. As in, I have exclusive rights to use it, and get to say who else can come here.

One of the a few spots I have staked claim to
Let me explain. I thought I was coming here for a tryout, or "fostering" as they call it. But apparently I am done with that stage, and have proved that despite some crazy puppy antics, can be a pretty good dog. Sure, there will be more hijinx to come, but these two humans have managed to show me what they want me to do (and what they don't want me to do). I sometimes get rewarded with a cookie, or if I'm being overly pushy, I sometimes get sprayed in the nose with something smelly. But I've really calmed down a lot, and prefer hugs and cuddles to getting into trouble.

"What? You weren't using these things, were you?"
Anyhow, back to my backyard. I get to go out there pretty much whenever I want (that is, if I ever get comfortable going down the stairs to the basement), and can go almost everywhere. I say "almost", as I've now been banned from the garden tool area, where Christine leaves all sorts of neat toys for me to play with. I haven't done much digging really - apparently the previous occupants were notorious for digging many holes in the lawn AND garden - we'll see if I can keep up the tradition.

Sometimes it's nice to just sit on the deck and keep watch over my backyard. I'm not really sure what I would do if someone uninvited came in, but I'm certain that my imposing presence might be enough to keep them away. Once in a while, Richie will come sit with me, and the two of us will watch together, and take silly selfies.

They tell me that summer is drawing to a close... it is getting cooler, and sometimes when I lay out on the grass late into the night, my fur gets damp. I don't mind, as this grass is awesome for napping on, as shown above. Anyhow, I'm thrilled with my new backyard - I love it here.


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