Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Merry Christmas!

So this is apparently what some would refer to as a "White Christmas" - all I know is that the snow has kept falling, and I have been having way too much fun running around in the backyard playing in it! I have been helping Richie shovel the walk when it snows, and he throws snow in the air for me to catch in my mouth (or at least try to)!

Another noticeable feature of Christmas, is that Christine is always around - not like normal days where it's just Richie and me hanging around the house. Here we are posing for what is apparently an annual Christmas photo. Berner smile!

One evening, Christine and Richie went away for the evening - I don't know why I was not allowed to go along, but I slept the whole time anyways. Then the next day, the Johnson family came over, along with my cousin Rufus. I was much better with him this time, and he tried to play with me a few times. As long as he goes home with his humans after each visit, I'm ok with this guy.

Anyhow, after a bunch of days and evenings with company over, I think Christmas is over. Can someone please get these bells off me now?


Thursday, December 22, 2016

My new cousin

Yesterday, Christine's sister showed up at my house with a puppy... what I didn't know at the time, is that he is only just visiting. His name is Rufus, and he's an 8-week old Great Dane / Maremma cross.

I was really wary of him when he came in, even though I must outweigh him by 8 times! Lucky for him that he didn't get in my face at all, or I would have had to school him on who the big dog is. After lunch, Richie went away with him in the car, and so I howled - how could he leave with another doggie?

"Hey... what are you doing inside my surfboard?"
But after an agonizing period of time, he came home, but still had that Rufus with him. I was so happy to see him, I barked at the door while he was out with Rufus in my yard! Christine let me out, and I ran down to see him, and make sure that Rufus knew whose human this was.

Back inside, I made sure that Rufus could not get close to my Richie, and did my best lap-dog impersonation. Then after a couple of hours, he left, and it was only then that I realized that this was not Richie's new puppy, and that Rufus is just my cousin. Drama over.


Saturday, December 17, 2016

Snow is still here!

I haven't seen snow before this past week, and I don't know how long it's supposed to stay here. However, it does make things different for sniffing in the backyard.

However, you can see above that I still managed to dig a hole in the yard one evening. I don't know what comes over me, but once in a while, I end up with more energy than I know what to do with, and the next thing you know, I'm getting my paws washed in warm soapy water!

Here I am, sitting nicely in the front yard (notice the rope), after stealing one of the silly Christmas lights from Richie. After a brief game of keep-away (it's hard to get away when you're attached by a rope), I decided to sit and watch him instead.

Then on the weekend (I've figured out that when Christine is home all day, that's a weekend), we went for a car ride to the park, and I ran around in the snow! I sniffed all around, and even played a bit with a couple of other doggies I met there. I like snow.


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Vacation time!

So Christine and Richie left me recently; not to worry, as their friend Krista and her little human, Olivia, came to take care of me while they were gone. I behaved myself really well with them, most of the time.

But when it came time to go to bed, I would lie out so that I took up all of the room! I think Libby really liked being around me, and we had lots of cuddle time.

Then one night, all of this white stuff showed up! I didn't know what to make of it at first, but after I got over it, I was bouncing around in it like a bunny (assuming I actually know what that is)! I was busy eating it up off the ground, and it tastes like the "ice chips" that Christine and Richie give me when they are making drinks. I don't know what this is, but I hope it stays around for a while. Then after a bunch of sleeps, Christine and Richie came home, and I got really excited!

Anyhow, the other big news is that I ate a glove - or at least part of a glove. I didn't feel good the next day, and so at 4:30 am the next morning, I barfed it out. I felt a bit better, but still something was amiss. A couple of mornings later, at around 4:30 am again, I barfed out a little bit of green stuff, but nothing else. Another day of not feeling just right, then one more time (yes, at around 4:30 am) I barfed out another (different) glove! I don't even remember eating it, but I guess I must have. Hmm... I wonder where the other glove is?


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A brief update

The other day, we went for another car ride, which I am getting really good at. You see, I used to put up a fuss getting into the car, but now that I know that we usually go somewhere fun, I am jumping right in! Anyhow, we went back to that place called Point Roberts, but when we were almost there, we got out and I got put into this cage!

After a short stay in my holding cell, we continued on to the cabin. I love it there, but it was raining, so we didn't spend much time outside. I wandered around the entire cabin looking for some trouble to get into, but couldn't find anything. We didn't stay long, and got back into the car and went to check out Christine's parents' new house.

Yesterday, Richie emerged from the garage with this thing. Apparently, he made this so I would stop knocking over my water bowl. Something about it however, makes me want to eat even faster, so they have something else in store for me. But anyhow, it's pretty cool - I don't think many other Berners have a surfboard for a feeding station.


Sunday, November 6, 2016

Muddy puddles!

We went to that awesome place called the UBC Endowment Lands again today. It has been raining a lot recently - I know this because Richie doesn't like it when I lie out in the yard and then do some digging and then come back into the house.

Anyhow, I found that there was this awesome little ditch next to the path, which was now filled with water! I ran up and down the ditch, something that Richie and Christine call the "Luge Run". Apparently Mischa and Paisley used to do the same thing. I don't think they like me lying in the muddy water however.

Then the water runs down the ditch and then disappears into this tube thing. I had to check it out, but I can't tell where the water goes.

But as you can see, I got thoroughly muddy. For some reason, I got hosed down when we got home, and then got a vigorous towel-down, followed by a blow-dryer session. Now I am all clean and fluffy again!


Monday, October 31, 2016

Stranger things

Over the last week or so, there have been some strange things popping up on the lawns in the neighbourhood. Sometimes there are things hanging from the trees, and there's often stuff on on the porch or doorway.

I am curious as to what is going on here. What is all of this about? Why is this all occurring now? I guess we'll just have to add this to the list of things we Berners will never understand.


Friday, October 28, 2016

Squirrels and more

We go for a walk at least two times a day here at my new home... once after Richie has had his breakfast and coffee, and then once again in the afternoon. Usually, we see some other doggies, and sometimes we see other 4-legged creatures.

Like this kitty for instance. Apparently I have no "prey-instinct" - like as in zilch, zero, nada. I sometimes notice these feline things, but rarely do I ever stop and see what they are up to. This one didn't run away like all the other ones do - probably because of the fence between us.

But there are these things with bushy tails that are always around the neighbourhood. There are a lot of nuts lying on the ground these days, and these "squirrels" as they are called, are running around, picking them up. They don't seem to afraid of me, as they can easily run up the tree when they see me.

 Like these two (actually three, but one ran off before Richie could take a picture) squirrels here. They were gathering nuts by this tree and when we walked up, they ran around the other side and chirped at me. They've got nothing to fear, really. Just happy to be out for a walk in the neighbourhood.


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Home alone

This weekend (or so they tell me), Christine and Richie left, and didn't come home!?! Instead, their friend Karen showed up a couple of hours later to take care of me. I had met her a week before, and was on my best behaviour with her. Well, except for our walks. You see, I like it here. And when she took me out for walks, I wasn't sure if we would be coming back. Since I can't have that, I would stop after we got only a few houses away, and sit down. Okay, I do this with Richie too, but after a few moments, I'll carry on. But since I didn't want to go too far from my new home, I held fast. One time, I ran so hard back to the house, I almost dragged her along!

But it's been great hanging out with her. Karen brought me this awesome rope toy to play with - it's my new favourite. We'll see how long that lasts for, as I like to chew the ends off and eat them. I did miss Richie and Christine however, as I would look all over the house for them. Why didn't I get to go with them?

Anyhow, another neat thing that this new human brought with her is this water and food thing. It makes it so that I don't have to stoop over to eat or get a drink. Or lie down. You see, when I drink water, I like to slurp it up with my chin hanging in the water dish. Like in the bucket outside. But with the water dish inside, I need to lie down in order to get the same effect... like this:

Well after what seemed like forever, Richie and Christine came home! I greeted them with much enthusiasm, and didn't even jump up or bite them! I really am becoming a good dog! Thanks for taking care of me Karen!


Friday, September 30, 2016

It couldn't be helped...

I've been trying to be a good doggie, I really have. But the puppy in me got the better of me, and I ended up doing this last night:

It's really not that big of a hole, seriously. But you would think that it was a crater by the way I was treated after that. I got the full garden hose spray on all of my paws and my chest, and then both humans vigorously towelled me down. And today, as Richie was trying to fill it in, I tried to help by removing the grass bits that he was putting on top. I got lemon sprayed for that.

Anyhow, they say that there will come a time when I grow out of this kind of stuff, but I don't think it will be anytime soon!


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Two months

So they tell me that it has been two months since I arrived at this place - we dogs have no concept of time, nor can we count. But I've really settled into a routine here, so much so that it's a little boring. Don't get me wrong, it's great here, but things are almost the same every day. Same food, same schedule, same humans. It's enough to make a puppy like me calm down.

Like this for instance. Every afternoon, after we've gone for our afternoon walk, we often hang out on the deck, and I wait for Christine to come home. I have almost gotten used to the sound that the garage makes when her car comes home, and I get excited.

Sometimes however, I just like to hang out on the deck when Richie sits out there with me. I'm not much of an outdoor doggie, like my predecessor was. As soon as it gets too cool for him, we both go inside, and he'll watch that window thing in the living room.

That's ok by me too, and I'll take up one of my favourite spots, lying right at his feet, and he'll give me a pat on my head before I have a snooze. Sometimes, they come and lie with me on the floor, and I cuddle with them. I'm looking forward to spending more time here - who knows, maybe I'll even become predictable for these humans!


Sunday, September 25, 2016

Mystery solved!

For the longest time, everyone has been asking, "Who's a good boy?"... well, it turns out, I am! Ok, maybe only sometimes. But lately, I've been getting lots of "good boy" praise, and many cookies. Yes, there are still times where I can lose my mind, and get into trouble - like the time I raced around the yard like the Tasmanian Devil, tearing out Christine's puny little plants.

Turns out they don't like it when I do that... they replanted them and I pulled them back out anyways. And sometimes, I find that I just need to do something, and so I push the limits of what I am allowed (and not allowed) to do. 

Let's take this for example. I found out that I am not allowed to take the placemats off the table. But once I am caught and I get the "leave-it" command, I usually relinquish my prize to them. I've learned other things too, like "hurry-up" to get me to go pee before we go to bed for the evening. I think the one that makes these humans happiest, is "no-bite" - for whatever reason, they don't like it when I gnaw on their arms/legs/hands/feet.

Anyhow, being a "good boy" is a lot better than getting sprayed in the nose with that smelly stuff!


Monday, September 19, 2016

Stairs, what stairs?

When I first arrived at this place, I was faced with these things that go between the living space and the backyard. There's even a set going upstairs, which I inadvertently went up one time, and had to be escorted back down again.

"What? I'm coming down... don't rush me."
But over the last 6 weeks (who's counting, really), I've been working on going up and down on the deck stairs, and was at the point where I could really cruise down them, and sometimes take two at a time going up. While I prefer to use the outside ones, I have been going down the inside stairs, and can pretty much do them in my sleep now.

This week however, Richie went away somewhere (apparently to go fishing - why did I not get to go?), and Christine spent the day at home but was upstairs. So I decided it was time for me to get over my upstairs issue. Well let me tell you, there is a whole other world up there! All sorts of things to sniff around at, and new pieces of paper and cardboard to destroy! Anyhow, I'm going up and down to this new undiscovered country, forcing Christine to "Buddy-proof" the upstairs rooms - whatever that means.

Buddy - King of Stairs

Sept. 24 update: Well, apparently I have a little work left on these stairs, as I inadvertently went down the slippery staircase like a toboggan. It's definitely not how I had planned it. 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

So this is my backyard

Yep. Mine. Like I own it. As in, I have exclusive rights to use it, and get to say who else can come here.

One of the a few spots I have staked claim to
Let me explain. I thought I was coming here for a tryout, or "fostering" as they call it. But apparently I am done with that stage, and have proved that despite some crazy puppy antics, can be a pretty good dog. Sure, there will be more hijinx to come, but these two humans have managed to show me what they want me to do (and what they don't want me to do). I sometimes get rewarded with a cookie, or if I'm being overly pushy, I sometimes get sprayed in the nose with something smelly. But I've really calmed down a lot, and prefer hugs and cuddles to getting into trouble.

"What? You weren't using these things, were you?"
Anyhow, back to my backyard. I get to go out there pretty much whenever I want (that is, if I ever get comfortable going down the stairs to the basement), and can go almost everywhere. I say "almost", as I've now been banned from the garden tool area, where Christine leaves all sorts of neat toys for me to play with. I haven't done much digging really - apparently the previous occupants were notorious for digging many holes in the lawn AND garden - we'll see if I can keep up the tradition.

Sometimes it's nice to just sit on the deck and keep watch over my backyard. I'm not really sure what I would do if someone uninvited came in, but I'm certain that my imposing presence might be enough to keep them away. Once in a while, Richie will come sit with me, and the two of us will watch together, and take silly selfies.

They tell me that summer is drawing to a close... it is getting cooler, and sometimes when I lay out on the grass late into the night, my fur gets damp. I don't mind, as this grass is awesome for napping on, as shown above. Anyhow, I'm thrilled with my new backyard - I love it here.


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A one month summary

So if we dogs could keep track of time, I could say that it has been a little over a month since I arrived at this place with these new humans. We seem to do mostly the same things everyday, which I don't really mind. On the weekends, we do different things, but still spend lots of time cuddling and stuff... well, at least until I get into my crocodile mood.

When that happens, I get sprayed right in the nose with some stuff that I don't like, and it usually makes me stop - usually. I have had some episodes in the backyard where I couldn't contain my puppy energy, and either inadvertently bit one of these new humans, or got my teeth into their clothes. I've even bitten Richie on the bum a few times - love bites, really - but he doesn't seem to like it.

He also doesn't seem to like it when I lie in his favourite leather armchair - I got excited one afternoon and ran into the basement and jumped right in! Anyhow, I much prefer the couch in the basement, or even better, the bed upstairs.

"Hey! Wait for me!"
We've been doing lots of walking - usually twice a day, sometimes even three times! We went back to that place called the Endowment Lands again recently too. It was great fun running around off-leash, but as usual, it was probably too much exertion for me, as it made me limpy again. When will I learn? Anyhow, we've been meeting lots of new people in the neighbourhood. I often stop to meet people I hear coming up behind us, but I am still a bit leery sometimes, and bark at them if they try to pet me on the head.

Here I am, keeping this silly plastic thing from moving around while Richie stops and plays some game with a neighbour down the block. I wanted to get closer to the action, and it was pretty easy for me to pull the big plastic thing around, so we had to leave. Regardless, I think I like this neighbourhood... maybe I will get to stay?


Sunday, August 28, 2016

Road trip!

Richie put me in the Rover recently - I say that because I don't jump/get into the back on my own. In fact, I don't like getting in at all, and resist with all my effort to not go towards the cargo area. But in the end, he lifts me up into the back and everything is ok. This time, I had to share the my space with a big plastic thing (no, I didn't chew on it) and some other stuff.

Then we drove for a few minutes over to our friends' place, and picked them up and headed off on a road trip! We must have gone a long way, but I can't tell, as I lie down for most of the trip and can't see out the window. But after a while we all got out at a place called "the cabin". I got tied up on a long rope, as this place doesn't have a fence to keep me from wandering too far. But that didn't bother me, as they spend all their time outdoors with me here! It was pretty hot that first day we got there, so I spent most of my time on the grass in the shade of the Rover.

They too, were trying to find cool areas to sip their silly drinks, and would move around to find the coolest spots to sit. I'd come over to get some cuddles every once in a while, but that darn rope would get caught on things, and someone would have to come over and rescue me. I was allowed to run free a few times, and for the most part was pretty good at staying closeby. However, one morning, I decided to wander around a bit, and Richie had to go back and get Brian and Tyson to come get me.

They would also play this game where they throw these small things back and forth - I really wanted to play too, and would try and get one of those things in my mouth. But after a few tries, they put me back on my rope, so Tyson and I had to be content to simply watch.

Sometimes they would leave us dogs in the cabin while they went away somewhere, other times we'd simply hang out in the shade. Dog, these humans are almost as lazy as I am! Anyhow, it did cool down a little bit in the evenings and later on in the weekend, so we were able to walk down to the beach a couple of times. I wasn't allowed to go in the water, as there is something about the water here that isn't good for my tummy. But I did get a good look from the wall, as you can see here.

Anyhow, we had a great weekend, and now I'm really tired!


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

More play time!

It would seem that the fun never stops here. We went back to that river place again, and this time I was demonstrating my excellent retrieving skills. Richie would throw a piece of bark (BOL... bark - get it?) into the water, and I would go get it! Sometimes, it would go just a little further than I could reach while my front paws were touching the sand underneath, and so I went completely underwater! Not to worry, as I simply turned around and walked back out of the water.

 Then this other fast doggie wanted to play a little bit. I tried chasing, but I was not going to even come close to catching her. So I simply went over to a soft hole in the sand and waited until she came over to play.

Then on another day (I can't keep track), that big Yeti came back over to play again! We ran and wrestled and played in the garden (you can tell from the mud on our paws and chests). I think I was playing a bit too hard with Barney, as he kept going up to the deck to get away from me, and I also seem to have hurt my front leg. Too much crazy puppy time I guess.

Anyhow, they brought me a new pillow, and now I am really tired, so I am going to sleep on it. Thanks Barney and Auntie Deb!


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

"My Name is Nobody"

Well, it would seem that I have been given a new name here. If I wander off for a sniff in the garden, I get hollered at, "NOBODY!". That thing where they put all of their plates and dishes smells enticing, so I go in for a lick and immediately hear, "NOBODY!". I grab a plastic bucket from Christine's gardening area, and the chase is on - "NOBODY!". When I try to play alligator and chew on a nearby hand, arm or leg, again, "NOBODY!".

Anyhow, I am having fun trying to get in trouble here... we'll see if the new name sticks. Am I supposed to be Henry Fonda or Terence Hill?

Nobody (No Buddy)

Saturday, August 20, 2016

One year ago today...

It's been a year (human, not dog) since I left the company of my momma and the rest of the family. I don't remember much from then, so here's a few pics to give you an idea of what things were like when I was only 8 weeks old!

That's me, lying under the car... a sign of things to come?

I'm on the far right... or is that left?

This is really boring! When can we play?