Saturday, January 28, 2012

White wedding

Well, Richie and Christine took off on us again recently. Apparently it was for good reason - something about getting married in Jamaica or something. Not that it really matters to us, as we've always been one happy family. Anyhow, Ian and Lauren came to stay with us while they were gone, and it was tons of fun!

I can't tell you all the hijinx we were up to when our guest humans were taking care of us, but we did get busted for stealing a loaf of bread off the kitchen counter. Not caught in the act, mind you, but the trail of bread crumbs that led outside to the backyard gave us away (Paisley, I told you to eat them up!).

While Richie and Christine were away, it was cold here - but we like it cold! There was a little bit of snow around the house, but Ian and Lauren took us up to the mountains where there was a lot of snow! They were walking on these funny things called "snowshoes"; Paisley and I thought they looked strange.

We met other doggies out playing in the snow as well - it was fun tearing around in the deep powder, as shown above!

Paisley was extremely well behaved, but I think that it was too much exercise for her. When we got back home, she would not put any weight on her paw, which had Ian and Lauren really scared. They ended up taking her to the emergency clinic, but I knew it was just too much playing for her; she was fine a couple of days later.

It sure was fun having them take care of us, and we were pretty happy puppies. But now we're happy to have Christine and Richie home again.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Christine and Richie!

It looked like you and Paisley had so much fun in the snow! I'm hoping my family will take me to the mountain soon before the snow melts!
