Thursday, June 2, 2011

New doggie next door

There's a new doggie next door to us now. His name is Dexter, and he's apparently a "Jack Russell". We sometimes chase each other back and forth from opposite sides of the fence, but the other day, he was allowed to come into our yard! I tell you, he's all bark when there's a two metre fence between us, but nose-to-nose, he was pretty timid. Paisley really wanted to play with him, but she was freaking him out with that big bark of hers.

"Hey... you're on my bench."

I think Dexter was trying to keep away from Paisley, and was hiding under chairs and on my bench for a little while. After a while, he started to relax, and eventually got into it with us:

As you can see, I was better at the chase than Paisley, and cut off Dexter at the pass. I don't think he's ever had 200 lbs of Berner chasing after him before!

After a couple of chases around the yard however, we were pooped, and we were content to just hang out. I don't mind this little guy... if only he would stop barking at me from the other side of the fence!


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