Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Update from the Berners

Ok folks, I know it has been a long time since we've posted an update on the goings-on over here in Cambie - sorry about that. We've had a pretty yucky spring, and so the photographer in the household (Richie) hasn't been taking too many pictures. But here's a few from some of the adventures over the last few months.

We have been going to the beach a lot, and it is usually during low tide (not sure how Richie seems to always pick the times when the water is low?). Anyhow, we love running around in the shallow water, and looking for interesting stuff (like the crab that Paisley found above).

I was more interested in running around chasing other doggies that were out exploring the sand bars as well. You can't tell from the picture above, but we're really far out into the bay, but I'm only standing in water up to my ankles!

Later this spring, we finally got taken back the spa for a really thorough washing and grooming. It had been like, forever since we had been to Mestiso's - but we are incredibly clean and fluffy now. Check out how huggable Paisley looks!

I of course, am always huggable, and I spend most of my walks looking for new people to pet me and give me attention. Paisley is not so friendly, and usually is a bit stand-offish when she's meeting new people on the street. Here we are hanging out on the patio after the weather finally warmed up...

Christine was trying lying in that hangy thing again, staring at something called a "book"... we were getting bored, so Paisley and I went over to bug her. Nothing like shoving a cold, wet nose in your face to get your attention!

Recently, Christine convinced Richie to put in something called a "central vacuum system" - it's like the noisy floor pushy thing that sucks up all of our fur, but with less noise. Anyhow, it came in this huge cardboard box, and you know me, I love being in cardboard boxes. This one was great, as it was big enough for me to lie down in, and then I destroyed it.
Stay tuned to this channel - I'm sure there are lots of summer-time adventures coming up!