Sunday, April 29, 2007

The bunny

So I've met the bunny next door - Cole, as he is called, is a little black fuzzy thing, that hops around the yard. I didn't know quite what to make of him the first time we met - I sniffed him, and as I do with pretty much everything that I discover, tried to put him in my mouth. For some reason, I wasn't allowed to do that.

The other day, I saw him sitting on the front porch with his human - I ran up to see, and got a good sniff in, but didn't try to taste him. I don't think I have the instinct that some of my other dog friends have, as they would go bananas if they got that close to a bunny. I know Lewis gets fixated on Cole, and Max tries to paw his way through the fence to get to him.

Anyhow, I like to sit on my deck and watch Cole hop around the yard - it looks like great fun... I wish I were down there chasing him around!


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