Tuesday, December 24, 2019

It's starting to feel at lot like Christmas...

That tree that doesn't smell like a tree got put up again recently. As with years gone by, this is now in the spot where my mid-morning and early afternoon naps take place; I don't mind, as I can still scooch underneath.  

I keep hearing about this guy called "Santa Claws" who is supposed to be coming soon, but each year, Christmas comes and goes, and I have yet to see him. Anyhow, they say he wears this funny hat, so I thought I'd try it on for size... what do you think?

I was also in a holiday movie called "A Liddle Christmas" with Richie recently; we did make the cut on this one however, as you can see below.

There was another dog on set that day - he was an actor however, whereas I was just an extra (we call it "background"). We saw him do his thing, and he was not nearly as good at his job as I was; he'd miss his cue often, and would also get distracted, as you can see in this next shot.

It was another fun day to be working in film, even if it was kinda warm that day. As per usual, the cast and crew was very excited to meet and pet me, but I played it cool around them - I'm getting used to the puparazzi treatment.

On Christmas day, we went down to visit Christine's parents; again there was great smelling food being cooked, but I only got to lick the plates. I was content to lie around on the carpet (we don't have much of it at home), but couldn't wait to get home again.
