Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A visit with the cousins

The other day, Richie's sister came over with Humphrey and my new cousin, Barney. I was expecting a little puppy, but who is this?

I guess there is something that the camera does to make him look bigger than he actually is, but he looks more like a polar bear cub than a puppy! He was pretty well-behaved for being only 10-weeks old, and he spent most of the time checking out the entire main floor and the perimeter of the backyard - something to do with his flock guardian nature.

He was pretty interested in sniffing me however, and for some reason, he wanted to bite me on the bum! He has such sharp little teeth, so Christine would make sure that he didn't do it more than a couple of times. I was pretty tolerant with him; I didn't have to give him any "what-fors" or anything like that.

Anyhow, after a nice dinner, they went back home... the next time we see Barney, he will probably be bigger than me!


Monday, February 2, 2015

My new cousin Barney!

Remember how I told you that Lupin had "gone over the rainbow" and Humphrey was all sad at Christmas? Well, it seems that they have solved that problem with a new puppy!

Barney is his name, and he's a 9-week old "Great Pyrenees" - I don't know about the "great" part, as he looks pretty small to me. But they tell me that he will be even bigger than Paisley was. I can't wait to meet my new cousin!
