Sunday, April 13, 2014

World-wide Berner walk!

This weekend, we hopped in the Rover on a sunny Saturday morning, and drove a long time to a park we had never been to. But once we pulled up, I noticed immediately, that there were a lot of other Berners there! It turns out that this day was "Worldwide Berner Walk Day", and we were meeting other Berners from all around this area!

"Hi, I'm Mischa. Who are you?"
 There were so many Berners there, I didn't know where to start! There were little puppies, and great big ones... this one below is Maximus - at 145 lbs., he sure lives up to his namesake.

 I did a bit of meet and greet, but didn't stray too far from Richie and Christine. But lots of other Berners would just wander right up, and sit on their feet and get pets from them.

When Christine pulled out some water, she got mobbed by a bunch of Berners looking to quench their thirst... they hardly left any for me!

We even ran into my brother there! Here's Samson... again, sitting on Christine's feet, like he's known her for years.

Then we all lined up for a big picture with all of us Berners and our humans. I'm looking all over for Richie, but I can't seem to find him. After this was taken, I ran back and forth, up and down the line, and then finally spotted him across the field, taking pictures!

The Berner Line-up (click to see/scroll)
Apparently there were 75 Berners there that day... what fun!


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A new Berner addition to the Chin family...

This is Kenya, a 5-yr old male that Richie's brother Chris adopted! They were out visiting a while ago (so long ago, that I can't really remember). They must have loved me so much that they wanted a Berner of their own!

I don't know if I'll ever get to meet him... but look at how much snow they have there!
