Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spring has sprung!

You can kind of tell that things are different around here. We're no longer going for our daily walks in the pouring rain, Richie and Christine seem happier, and we're spending much more time outdoors!

Here's Paisley out enjoying some spring sunshine with her froggy that we got when we were up in Kamloops. This is one of her favourite spots in the backyard - she always likes to have something to lean on!

There's me the other day while we waited on the front lawn for Christine to come home. That's Fraser running around behind me, and one of the neighbours from down the street with her small human. They wanted to stop and pet me - I was happy to oblige them!


Friday, April 13, 2012

Easter in Kamloops

This last weekend, we got into the Rover and went to the place where Christine works. Paisley and I ran around the halls, and greeted everyone we could find! After our brief visit, we got back into the Rover and spent a long time driving to Kamloops!

It was quiet the first night, but the next day, Richie's brother arrived with Sue, Justin and Chelsey! I like to have lots of people around, but I think Paisley prefers it when things are a little bit less hectic. Anyhow, it was still lots of fun, lazing about having "cuddle time".

One day, we went down to a place with a HUGE sand bar, and we ran and ran and ran! It was like the times we had been to the beach in Vancouver and Point Roberts, but this time, the water was drinkable! The sand was really soft and clean, and it felt nice between our pads of our paws.

On our way back home, we stopped high up in the mountains and got out to play in the sun and snow! This was different than being up in Whistler where we had to jump around in the deep powder, as the base of the snow was firm, and so Richie took off running, and we gave chase!

I guess this is the last of the snow till next winter - bring on spring!


Monday, April 2, 2012

Whistler again!

We went to the place known as Whistler again this past weekend. This time, we arrived at a new location where we met up with Richie's other brother Daryl, Rita and their little sheltie, Harley. We were in Whistler last summer, but this time, there was lots of snow there! We love snow, and can lie in it for long periods of time. Just outside the back door to our place was a steep hill with lots of snow that Paisley and I would hop around in - it was so deep that we couldn't run around normally - whew - it was tiring! Little Harley isn't tall enough to play in the deep snow with us either.

When we got back inside, Paisley and I loved running up and down the hallway - something that Richie didn't like us doing for some reason. Anyhow, we got so tired that we would sleep when the humans would go into the village to eat. We also went on long walks into the village, and we met lots of people that wanted to pet and hug us!

There was a nice long section of our walk back from the village where there was lots of snow again, and Paisley and I would tromp around, eating snow (not the yellow stuff) and having a grand old time. We tried to play chase, but again the snow was too deep and thick, that it only lasted for a minute until we were pooped out!

We like going to Whistler - it was even that much more fun with lots of snow!
