Thursday, September 8, 2011

Our Swiss visitors!

This weekend, our old friends Sami and Sylvie from our home country of Switzerland came to town! We had not see them since our last trip to the yurt a long time ago. We went for a walk in the hot sun down to Granville Island, and we sat on the patio while they had something to eat.

Then one night they came over to our house for a BBQ. We hovered around the table while they ate (as usual). They were eating those crawly things that Paisley and I often find at the beach - they were apparently different ones called "King crab", but they looked kinda the same to us. After they finished eating, Paisley and I got to eat some of the hard, crunchy shells... they were yummy! I think I like crab now.

After dinner, they sat around the fire when the sun went away. It has been really warm here lately, and even though the evening chills down, they stay nice and warm sitting by the fire.

Paisley and I however, don't need to be close to the fire to stay warm - we've got thick fur coats for that. So instead of lying close to them, we were sleeping on the cool tile patio behind them.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The big black (bad) snake

A while back, this new creature appeared at our house. It comes out of the closet about every week or so, and it makes an evil hissing sound. For the most part, I left it alone, and it left me alone. I would have to get out of the way once in a while, but I could lie around and we pretty much got along.

Then one day when I was minding my own business, it came by me and as I was getting up to get out of it's way, it bit me on the paw and would not let go! I squealed and yelped but it had sunk it's teeth further in! It scared the poop out of me - literally! Finally, after pulling with all of my strength, I managed to get away from it!

Now when the big black snake comes out, I give it a wide berth. But I need to make sure no one else gets attacked by it, so I stay close and watch to make sure that it doesn't bite Christine or Richie. They don't seem to be fazed by the snake, and shoo me away when it starts hissing - don't they know how dangerous snakes are?


Editor's note: Mischa got her paw stuck in the floor vent just as the vacuum came by - of course, she thinks that the vacuum hose was hanging onto her paw, not the heavy brass grate.