Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Our summer vacation - part 2

After a few days in Kamloops, we got back in the Rover, and drove for a brief period until we ended up at the place called Shuswap Lake. We had been here before, but this was the first time back with the trailer. Richie set up camp, and then we headed to the beach - dog, was it ever hot there! Unlike Kamloops, there wasn't a lot of shade, so when we got to the beach, both Paisley and I went right into the lake for a swim!

After we came out of the lake, we discovered that not only were Harley and his humans there, but also our old friends Bentley and Breton with their humans (Greg and Shannon) and another doggie, Clipper! Turns out everyone had come to the Shuswap for their summer vacations too!

The next morning, Richie's mom arrived, and Christine was with her! Not like we were wondering where she was or anything - we dogs don't do that - but it was a great surprise to have everyone together in the same place. We weren't all sharing the same campsite mind you, as it would have gotten crowded with all those people and doggies.

The next day, we went back to the beach, but Richie set up this wonderful shade canopy over our picnic table. I would often lie underneath it, trying to stay cool. But that crazy cat Pekoe would come over (uninvited, I might add), and hiss at me! Like this is her domain only?

We'd spend most of the day sleeping in the shade, would go for a swim, then go back for a nap at the campsite and wait patiently for dinner to arrive. We'd either go to another campsite for dinner, or the others (along with their associated humans) would come over to our place to eat (and drink).

It got so hot there, that I developed a heat rash, and would get all itchy. They say it's because I go swimming, then my fur wouldn't really dry out, and I'd develop a mini-sauna under my fur. I tried to stay out of the sun, but I'd come out of the lake all nice and cool, and go sit in the sunshine to dry out a bit. After I got too warm, I'd move back into the shade with Richie - shown above.

Back at the campsite, there was lots of action, as these little chipmunks would taunt Paisley and I. They are so fast, and they would climb up the trees, only a few feet over our heads and chirp at us, "ha ha, you can't climb trees!". One time, I tried to race off after one of those little bastards, but I was still tethered, and the cable got wound around Richie's leg - dog, he yelped like a dog!

Anyhow, back at the beach, it turns out that Harley didn't like the water. I don't know why, as it so cool and refreshing! His humans would take him in, and he would immediately swim back out. Here he is drying his fur with his human, Katrina.

Paisley decided she needed some of the same, so she decided to go down and "grab some Z's" with Christine on the beach too. After a total of four sleeps, we packed up and came home - I think Richie is really relieved to be back in cooler weather - so are we!


Our summer vacation - part 1

Ok, so you probably realize that we don't really take "vacations", as there really isn't anything we dogs do that even remotely resembles "work". But Richie and Christine do, so this was our first trip for our summer vacation. We started by hitching up that trailer thingy, and then we got into the Rover (without Christine) and we drove for a long time till we got to Richie's parent's place.

When we arrived, we were astounded to find that not only Lupin and Humphrey were there, but also Chelsey, that loopy yellow Lab that hangs out with Richie's brother. Chelsey had been to the vet recently, and was wearing that crazy lampshade thingy. Humphrey didn't like it, and so they didn't get along, and we had to keep them separated the whole time - weird.

Paisley and I have been here before, and it was much the same. We sat around in the shade, while Richie swam in the pool. We would have normally gone for walks n' stuff, but it was so hot, we didn't want to go anywhere, and just wanted to lie on the cool tiles and sleep. We had a place to "relieve" ourselves, as Pa Chin has an orchard with nice cool shade and grass that we would use to do our thing. In the morning and late evenings, we'd walk down to the school, and run around in the shade for a few minutes to get ourselves tired out.

After a couple of days, Chelsey and her humans left, and Harley and his humans arrived. I tell you, this place is doggy central! They even arrived with a cat, Pekoe, who doesn't really like me. I'm no stranger to cats, and for the most part, I'm ok to leave them alone. But this one hisses at me! Like, what did I ever do to it?

Anyhow, we had another day of staying by the pool - Paisley even found her "place" in the stairwell that led to the basement. Very cool.

Next - part 2.
