Monday, August 3, 2009

One hot week!

This has been a very hot week - for all of us, not just us two with fur coats! Apparently, this is the hottest it has ever been here, as all sorts of heat records have been broken. Not that I know what temperature it has been, as all Paisley and I have been doing is sleeping and staying in the shade.

Richie has been doing most of the same, as you can see above. We went down to Point Roberts the other day to run in the ocean, and hang out with Christine's parents and her nieces. When we got back, it was too hot to sit on the deck, so Richie came over in the shadow of the Rover with us. It has been so hot, that all we do is go for our morning walk (Richie complains that even at that time of the morning, it is 25ยบ C), sleep all day, then go for a play once the sun goes down. Both Richie AND Christine have been staying with us in the basement, which is really fun.

Even Christine, who normally likes the heat, has been staying in the shade too. Here we are getting some love from her while she tries to stay cool in the hangy thing. Paisley tries to climb up on her lap when she's up there, but it's too wobbly for her. You might also notice the big thing filled with water sitting on the deck - it's something called a "pool", and Richie has been lying in it to try and keep cool. Christine has been trying to get us to go in, but it looks like a ruse to try and give us a bath. No way Jose.

The heatwave is slowly losing it's punch however - it is still hot during the day, but at least it cools down a bit at night now. I heard some mention of going swimming at the waterfall again today, so that should keep us cool for a bit.
