Thursday, February 26, 2009

Paisley gave us a scare...

Sometime last week, Paisley barfed up her dinner out on the patio. Then in the morning, she decided she didn't want to eat her breakfast. This was really strange, as she normally eats her bowl of food in about 1/2 the time it takes me to mow through mine. But it was obvious something was wrong. She didn't want to play with me either, as all she wanted to do was lie on what was left of the snow in the backyard, or the cool, damp dirt in the garden.

This really concerned Christine and Richie, and so he took Paisley over to the vet that day. He poked and prodded her, and figured that she ate something bad that might have been rotting under the snow since December. Anyhow, whatever it was gave her a bad belly, and so Paisley didn't want to eat at all! So for days, Richie and Christine would pry Paisley's jaws open and put stuff down her throat - you could tell that she didn't like it, but she would still let them. There's no way I would let that happen, as I would run away at the first sign of those little white things!

Paisley sporting her new pink "wrist-band" where she was given the IV

But Paisley still didn't want to eat, and it made me not want to eat. But I would eventually break down and eat a half bowl now and then. She on the other hand, was getting really weak, and had trouble getting up and going down stairs. After 4 sleeps, she had to go back to the vet again. This time they took those special pictures of her insides and the found out that her stomach was still very upset. Don't ask me how they know that, they just did. They also stuck a tube in her front leg, and gave her "intravenous fluids" because Paisley hadn't been drinking as much water. So she came home with this bandage on her leg, and a new set of pills that would calm her stomach down.

Christine trying to hand-feed Paisley one evening

This time, after about a day of taking these new pills, Paisley started to feel better! She even started eating a few treats. Another day later, and we found out that her blood tests showed a "high white blood cell count", which apparently means she did indeed have some sort of bacteria in her stomach. She went back to the vet one last time, as they were going to put a camera on a long tube and see what was going on in her tummy. But since she was starting to feel better, they decided not to do the camera thingy. They put one of those things in her leg again (the other one this time) to top up her fluids, and she came home happy and hungry!

Paisley with her two pink wrist-bands - feeling much better now!

You can tell that Paisley is getting back to normal - she's eating lots of food, is happy to go out for a walk, and play with me in the backyard. We don't quite know what happened, but she sure did give us a scare! We are thrilled to have our old Paisley back again.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Cousin Max

Christine's sister dropped by the other day with our cousin Max - a brown lab cross. We'd met before, but he's never stayed over with us overnight. So when Marla left and left Max behind with us, I was thrilled! The two of us played all afternoon, and when we stopped, we napped. When we woke up, we played again! It's funny, because he's so much smaller than both Paisley and I, and for a boy doggy, he's not nearly as, you know, "male" as some other boy dogs can be.

The next day, we all got in the Rover and went to the University Endowment Lands for another long walk. Here we are stopped for a drink and a romp in the water. As usual, we ran and ran, Paisley would wander around looking for squirrels, and I would chase her into the woods. Max was having a great time too, as he would tear back and forth - alternating between watching our six and taking point.

After a long walk, we were all tired, even Christine! So while Richie cleaned up the "man cave" getting ready for something called "Superbowl Sunday", we all had a nap in the living room. That's Christine under the blanket on the couch. Max - well, he's in the bedroom sleeping beside their bed. It's kind of funny, as I had heard that one of the stipulations that Richie had to adhere to in order to have puppies like us around, is that we wouldn't be allowed in the living room or the bedroom. Hmmm.

After we all woke up, we headed out to the deck and Max got a good brushing. He also got looped into one of those things that Paisley and I hate - a bath. He didn't understand that when the hose comes out, and you get hooked up to that wooden post thingy, that nothing good happens and you get really wet. Both Paisley and I managed to dodge the bath for some reason.

Here we all are, last night after another scrumptious dinner, hanging out on the TV room floor. Then to round out our evening, we all went downstairs and watched a movie. Well, I went outside to patrol the perimeter, Paisley slept, and Max, well he actually watched some of the movie.

I wonder how long Max will be here? No matter, it's still lots of fun having another doggie around to wrestle with.
