Saturday, March 27, 2021

New procedure for going down the stairs

So here's a new thing that is happening around here lately. To alleviate any undue stress on my wrist as I go down the stairs, I now need to wear this harness thingy every time I want to go outside. I'm not exactly modelling it correctly here, but it goes over my head, then gets strapped around my chest. I like putting it on, as I get a hug each time that it gets clipped on!

Then when we head downstairs, Christine or Richie holds on to the handle on top of my harness, and then I usually just stand there. See, I normally go down the stairs after them, but now they want me to go first, so they can hold on to me! It's really weird, because I'm walking down the stairs, but my front paws are barely touching the surface!

Anyhow, it isn't so bad, and I can actually get through my special door on my own, even with my harness on. Richie usually shouts at me, "WAIT!" but I don't, and rush out the door on my own. My leg still hurts, but aside from the harness thingy, it's pretty much the same routine around here though. 

"I smells something here?"
Still going out for a walk everyday, but it's really short, which is just fine with me. And of course milk and peanut butter treats! I am getting a lot more cuddle time than normal, which is also awesome, as I am a huggy-bear!


Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Special pictures at the dogtor

Since I was still limping around, Richie took me to see the dogtor yet again. This time, he left me there! I went into the back room with them, and then I got really sleepy. Before you know it, Richie was back to get me, and we went home for a nice dinner. 
Unbeknownst to me, Richie had the dogtor take some special pictures of me while I was napping earlier. It turns out I have something called "osteosarcoma". I don't know what that means, but Richie and Christine are really sad now.

I don't know what the big deal is - it doesn't hurt that much, really. I mean check out the picture above; the wrist that hurts is the one I have folded back! Anyhow, now in addition to getting a little bit of milk each morning, I'm also getting a little dollop of peanut butter three times a day!


Friday, March 12, 2021

My leg hurts again

I was just doing my normal stuff - sleeping, morning walkies, sleeping, lunch, sleeping - well, you get the picture. But Christine noticed that I had a really big bump on my wrist, the one that hurts when I walk. Anyhow, so she ran off to the dogtor to get me some more medicine, and so I'm back to getting milk every morning again! 

It definitely helps, and the swelling went down a lot, so I can walk on it without it bothering me too much. We certainly don't walk as far as we used to, and of course, I stop every few metres to sniff things. Richie likes to think that I'm stopping to smell these flowers, but it's really because someone else has peed on them!
