Tuesday, December 24, 2019

It's starting to feel at lot like Christmas...

That tree that doesn't smell like a tree got put up again recently. As with years gone by, this is now in the spot where my mid-morning and early afternoon naps take place; I don't mind, as I can still scooch underneath.  

I keep hearing about this guy called "Santa Claws" who is supposed to be coming soon, but each year, Christmas comes and goes, and I have yet to see him. Anyhow, they say he wears this funny hat, so I thought I'd try it on for size... what do you think?

I was also in a holiday movie called "A Liddle Christmas" with Richie recently; we did make the cut on this one however, as you can see below.

There was another dog on set that day - he was an actor however, whereas I was just an extra (we call it "background"). We saw him do his thing, and he was not nearly as good at his job as I was; he'd miss his cue often, and would also get distracted, as you can see in this next shot.

It was another fun day to be working in film, even if it was kinda warm that day. As per usual, the cast and crew was very excited to meet and pet me, but I played it cool around them - I'm getting used to the puparazzi treatment.

On Christmas day, we went down to visit Christine's parents; again there was great smelling food being cooked, but I only got to lick the plates. I was content to lie around on the carpet (we don't have much of it at home), but couldn't wait to get home again.


Monday, November 25, 2019

More beach time at the Point

It's been pretty nice here, despite the fact that fall is almost over, and all of the leaves have fallen off the trees. So Christine decided we needed to spend some time down at the Point instead of hanging out at home. 

While I prefer to stay at home, if I'm able to get out for some serious sniffing, that makes it better. Low tide is the best time for this, and on this particular day, I was in a rush to get to my watering hole. When we turned around, the rest of the humans were dawdling far behind!

We waited for what seemed like forever, but they finally caught up to us. Truth be told, I needed a break anyways, as it's hard work beachcombing! This a great way for me to stretch my legs, since I don't normally like to walk very far.

When will we be back at the beach? I don't know, but it seems like it has become a regular occurrence for me!


Friday, November 1, 2019

It's fall again!

It's that time of year again - it's starting to get a lot cooler in the day, and we are spending almost all our time indoors (well at least the humans are). The leaves are changing colours - although I only see varying shades of grey. But when they fall off the trees, they make for great sniffing! 

Buddy keeping watch over the neighbourhood
Now when we go on our walks, the humans have been making piles of fallen leaves for me to tromp through, and explore the smelly stuff underneath. I sometimes leave a little smelly stuff behind on them too.

Here is another shot from me and Richie working on a TV movie. I actually got direction in this one - there were two actors sitting on the bench, and we were supposed to walk up behind and Richie looks over their shoulder. But on our first take, I decided to hop up and put my paws on the back of the bench and look too! So the director got all excited and said, "Do that again!"

Anyhow, I find it hard to perform on cue, but with a little encouragement from Richie, I did it on each take. Sadly though, my performance ended up on the cutting room floor.


Sunday, September 15, 2019

More Hollywood North action

It's been a really busy year for me in the TV & film industry. I can't count, but Richie tells me that we've worked at least six times this year alone! I truth, I think it is my handsome face and irresistible charm that gets us booked! 

On this one time, we got treated like real actors, and got our own trailer! Ok, so it was only a little compartment, but this is pretty special for us Background performers. It was strange though, on this particular day, I never actually made it to the set, and I spent most of the day lying around or sleeping in the car.

Two Background performers waiting for action
The next time, Richie and I went to work on a Disney film, whatever that is? Anyhow, we were working with this flying thing, and it made a lot of noise, so we couldn't hear our cues. The director gave us a radio that Richie put in his pocket, so we could hear "Action!" We would do our little walk along the street, and when we'd hear "cut!", we would hustle back to our first mark and I would lie down, waiting to go again. But each time I heard "picture's up!" on the radio, I would stand up and get ready; this gave Richie a chuckle for some reason.

Anyhow, it was a fun, short day for us, and you can see us at the very start of the movie, called "Upside Down Magic".


Friday, June 7, 2019

Road trip!

We got into the car the other day, but rather than going to the park or the beach, we drove onto this big thing that went out onto the water! I wasn't scared, as I was with Richie and Christine the whole time, but the floor moved and vibrated like I have never felt before. Anyhow, after a while, we drove off the thing and kept going to a place called Tofino. When we got there, we moved our stuff into a cabin - I figured out that we were going to be sleeping here for a little while.

Christine and Richie had to put on some jackets, as it was really windy down on the beach, but I loved it! We walked all the way to the other end to check it out, and there was some really good sniffing there. When we got back to our cabin, we were hanging out and relaxing, when my brother Cooper and River showed up! I was like, "how did you guys know we were here?" 
Cooper heading for an evening dip
We did more beachcombing, and running around in the wet sand, while the humans got caught up. Since none of us are real swimmers, we kept to wading in the surf instead.
Enjoying sunset at the beach
Back at the cabin, we'd hang out on the grass, but we had to either stay close, or we were forced to be put on a tether so we wouldn't wander off. The humans would sit in a tub of hot water, which I can't understand - who would want that? They'd make their yummy smelling dinners, and then we'd go back to the beach again, and watch the sunset. I slept hard after all of that activity - I barely got any of my naps in!

One morning, we went to a huge stretch of sand called Long Beach. Even though this is all we have been doing here, we ran back and forth into the water, and everyone seemed to enjoy the sun. We walked and walked - felt like forever to me. I got all tuckered out and decided to just lie down in the soft sand.

What a great road trip this has been! But you know me, I couldn't wait to get home to my own place.


Monday, April 22, 2019

Springtime in Point Roberts

I guess it must be the weekend again, as we got into the car again, and ended up here once more. I don't mind, and am kinda getting used to being away from my home. I'd prefer not to leave really, but sometimes it's not up to me what happens. 

"Hey, who left their stick in my water bowl?"
Anyhow, it's not too hot down here, and it is okay for me to walk all the way down to the beach in the morning. But by the time we get down there, I am thirsty! There's this little bit of fresh water runoff that comes out of the wall right onto the beach... it makes for a great pit stop before we wander back towards the cabin.

When it is warm like this, we get to spend almost all of our time outside, which is just fine by me. I don't care much for the games that they play on the front lawn, but at least I can lie in the shade and watch all the goings-on.

I enjoyed my weekend down in the US of A, but will be happy again to settle into my routine back home.


Friday, March 15, 2019

Back to work

Actually, we shot this a little while back, but it takes a bit of time between when we go to work, and when we appear on the moving picture window thing. I remember this day specifically, because when Richie walked me by the food truck in the morning, the man in there gave me a strip of bacon!  

Another funny thing happened when we got to set. You see, normally the film people have a place for me and Richie to sit while we wait our turn in front of the camera. But this time, it was outside in a muddy tented area. No sooner did Richie sit down in a chair, that I decided that I needed to jump up on him - yep, muddy paws and all! That's what they called a "wardrobe emergency"... if you look closely on Richie's jacket above, you can see the wet spots where they tried to clean it off.

Unlike some other times when we've done film work, you can clearly see us in this one (Supernatural Ep. 1415); we are supposed to be looking very happy - I nailed it, as even I smile as I look up at Richie. I wonder when we will be working in TV and film again?


Sunday, March 10, 2019

Back to the Point

It was another sunny weekend here, so Richie and Christine decided it was time to go down to the cabin in the US of A. It was very quiet down there, as it was still quite cool, so the Canadian visitors were not down there in droves. 

Despite that, I was happy to go wading into this pool that I found - it is apparently rainwater runoff, so Christine let me drink from it. It doesn't taste salty like the other water that I wade in down here.

On another day (I can't tell from one to the next), we went to a different beach, and I did my usual dawdling down the beach, sniffing at all of the smelly stuff that one encounters at low tide. There are lots of birds down here most of the time, but I don't pay them much attention, as I am more of a sniffer than a looker... well, I am a "looker" ;)

Buddy patiently waiting by the car to go home
But as you have probably figured out by now, I am a homebody, and so after two sleeps away from my domain, I can't wait to get home again.


Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Year's road trip

Not long after all of the Christmas festivities died down, we got into the car and went for a road trip to Richie's parent's place in Kamloops. I don't mind driving in the car now, as I get to ride in the back seat, close to Richie and Christine. I sleep most of the time anyways.

When we got there, they had snow! We Berners LOVE snow! I mean, we get snow once in a very long while back home, but it seems like this is a normal thing here. We went down to a doggie-friendly area by the river, where there was so much snow!

I ran along and snuffled my nose through the snow, smelling for all the different things that lurked under the surface. When I would come up for air, I'd have snow on my face; sometimes Richie would toss snow at me, and I would try (in vain) to catch it in my mouth.

But after an afternoon of running around in the snow, I am sooo tired! I can barely lift my head off of Richie's chest!
