Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas-time (again)!

It is that time of year again, it's Christmas! I don't even know what this is all about really, but every year, when it gets cold outside, the humans spend time putting all sorts of new things in the living room. They even put this thing that looks (but doesn't smell like) a tree, right where I take my afternoon naps. 

"Don't mind me, I halp."
I don't really mind, as this time of year is also accompanied by lots of cooking and baking, which means more kitchen fallout and snacks for me! And this is also when Christine no longer goes away during the day - she is around all day like Richie for me to hang out with.

There aren't many presents under the tree, but who needs them when you have me?
In the morning, we opened up our "stockings" and I got some tasty treats. Then I tried to help them open their presents, but I quickly got scolded for trying to eat the wrapping paper! When will I learn?

Our annual Christmas photo
Later in the day, we went to the Johnson house for more presents and treats. More yummy treats and delightful smelling food. I didn't get to eat it, but licked the plates clean - yum!

Now that Christmas is over again, I am really pooped! I wonder how long it will be before we celebrate Christmas again?


Sunday, December 9, 2018

My new step-sister!

We went for another long drive yesterday, and we ended up at my brother Cooper's place again! But when we got there, there was a surprise waiting for us - a baby sister! As with all puppies, I usually give them lots of room, as I don't much like excitement. But River, that's her name, was quite low-key, and so I was ok letting her get close to me. 

Long ago, Cooper's humans used to have two Berners, and so now they are a 2-dog family again. I'm pretty happy that I get to have my house all to myself... I mean with Christine and Richie too.  

As you can see, she's pretty small compared to me and Cooper, but that will change over time, from what I hear. Sure, she's pretty cute, but I can still pour on the charm... just look at me getting cozy with Richie on the armchair!


Monday, December 3, 2018

Working for a living

Very early this morning, Richie put me in the car, and we went to work! I have done this before, so I knew what to expect, yet I was still anxious and nervous. Richie had to tie me up every time he would step away, as I would cause a ruckus and try to knock things over! But after a while, we got into a big van, and ended up here.

I got mobbed by the cast and crew; the show is called "A Million Little Things". All I know is that in between each take, I would get lots of attention from the humans working on the show. We spent most of our time walking back and forth on the sidewalk, which got kinda repetitive for me.

For those that aren't familiar with working in TV & film, it can be really boring, and sometimes we'd sit or lie down for long periods. Thankfully, it was a pretty nice, sunny day, or else Richie would have gotten cold - I of course, never get cold!


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Point Roberts with my brother Cooper

We went away for the weekend, down to the cabin in Point Roberts. We were only there for a short while, when who shows up, but my brother Cooper and his humans! This was different than our normal meet-ups, where we walk for a while then go home... this time they stayed with us at the cabin!

I showed Cooper around the property, along with all the best places to poop and pee. When we weren't lying around on the front lawn of the cabin, we would go for a walk down to the beach. 

One day, the tide was way out, and we were able to walk and explore way out on the sand bars. Of course, I'd find a nice tidal pool to lie in, so when we got back to the cabin, I had to get rinsed off in the backyard. Even with an impromptu bath, I'd do it again anytime!

"Wait! We don't need to go back already!"

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Beach day!

This morning, we loaded up into the car and went for a drive to a new place that I had not been to before. But once we got there, my brother Cooper was waiting for us! We went down to the beach, but since the water was low, the sand went on forever!

So Cooper and I ran and ran, and did our play-fighting as we bounced along the sand bars. But after a while, we got tired, and took a break for a bit. Thankfully, someone thought to bring along some fresh water with us, as the water here at the beach tastes funny.

After we had pooped ourselves out (literally), we continued to stroll casually along the beach with Christine and Richie, and Cooper's parents. When we came across a tidal pool that was deep enough to cool down in, I'd lay down in it.

It was a great day at the beach with my brother, but now I am exhausted! Time to resume my favourite pastime - napping.


Saturday, July 28, 2018

A new camera

Recently, Richie got a new camera, and so now when we go places, there's always a big production around getting me to sit or pose just right for him. I mean, I know I'm a pretty handsome guy, but you have to admit, this new camera makes me look good!

My favourite swimming (wading, really) spot down on the Fraser River.

Hangin' in the backyard beside Christine's garden.

Sitting in Richie's spot on the deck at the cabin in Point Roberts.

Stay tuned for more great photos of me!


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

It's my birthday!

Can you believe it? I'm an adult now. Yep, all of three years old; there's a saying for us Berners, "Three years a young dog, three years a good dog, three years an old dog, and all else is a gift". So I guess I am a good dog now.

Truth be told however, I think that Christine and Richie would say that I have been a good dog for quite some time now. It's been so long since I've eaten a pair of socks or gloves that I can't even remember. And digging in the lawn or garden? That's all but a thing of the past. Yep, I've matured into the model Berner - if a little bit on the couch-potato side. Yep, I can hold down the floor with the best of them, and sometimes getting me to go out for my afternoon walk can be a bit of a struggle. But when I do go, I rarely get skittish around new people (especially men), and can't wait to get pets from the kids in the neighbourhood. I rarely bark, and if I do, it's usually to make my presence known to those strange humans poking around in the alley. Squirrels, kitty-cats and the mailman are all safe from me. I do play once in a while, usually when I have something that I'm not supposed to have, and we play keep-away for a few mins. Or it's when I get together with my brother Cooper, who can be a bit relentless when it comes to tussling. But other than that, it's a calm, care-free lifestyle for me over here in Cambie. Let's see what adulthood has to offer!


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Update from Cambie

Wow, long time no post... you try using a keyboard with these big mitts! Anyhow, not a lot has been going on around here since my last post where I had hurt my paw. You will be happy to hear that everything healed up fine, which is great, because I hated wearing that silly rubber thing on my paw all of the time.

There is this thing called "Instagram" where you can keep up on my antics a little more often, as Richie is usually better at posting things for me on there - Check me out at https://www.instagram.com/chin.rich/. He might have to give you permission, but he usually takes care of that within a day or so. Meanwhile, here are some good pics over the last 6 months.

The obligatory Christmas photo

"Cold? What's cold?"

I love it when it snows!

This is my pizza face

Playing at the beach in Kamloops earlier this Spring


Racing with my brother, Cooper

Hugs for my buddy Robin
Keep watching Instagram for more!
