Saturday, September 23, 2017

No more summer

Today was the first full day of fall, or so they tell me. We had some visitors show up one sleep before that; humans that I had met a long time ago, when I was just getting acquainted with my new home. This time, they stayed with us, and they brought their little doggie, Zeus.

They tell me he's about 6 years old, but you'd never know it by his size... he's about the same as my stuffed toys! Anyhow, he was pretty chill, and we got along pretty well, despite our size difference. I tried a few times to get him to play (instigated with my downward dog action), but he wouldn't go for it.

We did go for a good walk this morning together, and on our way back, we came across a lawn fully covered in snow! I don't know why it was there, but we didn't care, as Zeus ran around on the crunchy white stuff, and I tried to chase after him. But he was way too fast and nimble for me, so I decided to lay down on it, and munch away at it.

I don't know how long it will be before we get to see snow again, but I hope it is very soon, as I love it! Anyhow, after we got home, our visitors packed up and went away, so I have the house to myself again.


Sunday, September 10, 2017

A little more summer fun

Dog, has it ever been a hot, dry summer - well, in my brief experience, that is. I've been hanging out with Richie in the basement and out on the cool patio, and we've been keeping our afternoon walks brief and in the shade. I don't mind, and in truth, I'm still healing up from hurting my leg. A while back, I got excited, and tried to take off from the basement too quickly. My paws lost traction on the slippery floor, and I really hurt my leg. I was scared of the floor for a little while, so Richie put down a carpet there so I won't slip anymore.

We have been eating and entertaining a lot, and we had Tyson and his humans over recently. He doesn't really like me, and when I try to play with him, he growls at me. They tell me it's because he's old, but I don't see what that has to do with anything.

Here's a fun pic of me trying to get some hugs from Christine one afternoon hanging out on the patio. I love doing this to them once in a while. Then this past weekend (or so they tell me), Richie was busy moving things around on the deck, as it finally rained! It was the one evening where they were going to have a bunch of their friends over, and so they set up to host everyone on the deck instead of the patio.

I don't know what all this stuff is for, but I like to be in the centre of all the action! There were a lot of humans that came by, and I tried my best to get snacks and paper napkins from them. Even when they weren't eating, I'd lie in the middle of the circle, hoping someone would pet me on the head or rub my belly.

Anyhow, I think summer is winding down, so I think we'll be able to get out into the trails near UBC again soon.
