Monday, October 31, 2016

Stranger things

Over the last week or so, there have been some strange things popping up on the lawns in the neighbourhood. Sometimes there are things hanging from the trees, and there's often stuff on on the porch or doorway.

I am curious as to what is going on here. What is all of this about? Why is this all occurring now? I guess we'll just have to add this to the list of things we Berners will never understand.


Friday, October 28, 2016

Squirrels and more

We go for a walk at least two times a day here at my new home... once after Richie has had his breakfast and coffee, and then once again in the afternoon. Usually, we see some other doggies, and sometimes we see other 4-legged creatures.

Like this kitty for instance. Apparently I have no "prey-instinct" - like as in zilch, zero, nada. I sometimes notice these feline things, but rarely do I ever stop and see what they are up to. This one didn't run away like all the other ones do - probably because of the fence between us.

But there are these things with bushy tails that are always around the neighbourhood. There are a lot of nuts lying on the ground these days, and these "squirrels" as they are called, are running around, picking them up. They don't seem to afraid of me, as they can easily run up the tree when they see me.

 Like these two (actually three, but one ran off before Richie could take a picture) squirrels here. They were gathering nuts by this tree and when we walked up, they ran around the other side and chirped at me. They've got nothing to fear, really. Just happy to be out for a walk in the neighbourhood.


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Home alone

This weekend (or so they tell me), Christine and Richie left, and didn't come home!?! Instead, their friend Karen showed up a couple of hours later to take care of me. I had met her a week before, and was on my best behaviour with her. Well, except for our walks. You see, I like it here. And when she took me out for walks, I wasn't sure if we would be coming back. Since I can't have that, I would stop after we got only a few houses away, and sit down. Okay, I do this with Richie too, but after a few moments, I'll carry on. But since I didn't want to go too far from my new home, I held fast. One time, I ran so hard back to the house, I almost dragged her along!

But it's been great hanging out with her. Karen brought me this awesome rope toy to play with - it's my new favourite. We'll see how long that lasts for, as I like to chew the ends off and eat them. I did miss Richie and Christine however, as I would look all over the house for them. Why didn't I get to go with them?

Anyhow, another neat thing that this new human brought with her is this water and food thing. It makes it so that I don't have to stoop over to eat or get a drink. Or lie down. You see, when I drink water, I like to slurp it up with my chin hanging in the water dish. Like in the bucket outside. But with the water dish inside, I need to lie down in order to get the same effect... like this:

Well after what seemed like forever, Richie and Christine came home! I greeted them with much enthusiasm, and didn't even jump up or bite them! I really am becoming a good dog! Thanks for taking care of me Karen!
