Monday, March 10, 2014

Where are you going?

Whenever someone leaves the house, I am always curious where they go. If I don't get to go with them, I stand by the front window, rest my head on the ledge and watch them leave... like this:

I never worry that they aren't coming back, but I wish they would simply take me along with them. But I can tell when they are preparing to leave with me, and I get quite excited. On the other hand, when I am left alone, and they do come home, I also get just as excited, whether they've been gone for an hour or a day.


Monday, March 3, 2014

My cousin's new wheels

I know some of you have seen me with my cart, and I've been known to stop traffic when I'm pulling the groceries home from the Safeway down the street. But what is this?

Apparently Lupin, my cousin, is having trouble with her back legs working properly, and now she has a crazy cart of her own! How the heck is she supposed to carry any groceries with that?
