Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas 2012

Every year, when the sun goes away early and the rainy season starts, there's this thing that comes around called Christmas. I don't really know what Christmas means, aside from all of the yummy food that is always around the house (more on that later). But one of the traditions that the young humans do, is go visit this guy - Santa Claws - and they ask him for presents. I asked him to bring us snow.

This year, Toba showed up to spend the Christmas holidays with us! She's been over here a couple of times before, and so she settled in here pretty quickly. On her first day here, Santa gave me my present early, because it snowed! We Bernese Mountain dogs love snow, and so Richie took us up to the big dog park where we ran and ran and ran! Both of us frolicked in the deep snow (over 10 cms, or so I am told), and we played snowball catch with Richie.

Then there's this whole Mayan calendar, end-of-the-world thing. It seems there were these humans that lived a long time ago, that had a calendar that ended on Richie's birthday - Dec. 21, 2012. I don't know - it's just another day to me. Anyhow, Richie and Christine thought they would celebrate the end of the world, so they were making all sorts of food for their party. When Richie went out for a while, I noticed that he had left a big bag of dinner rolls on the counter! I grabbed them, and ran outside with the bag - I shredded the flimsy plastic bag open, and it was a bonanza for Toba and I. Then I went back inside and grabbed the freshly baked banana bread off the table. Nothing better than having a yummy dessert after a meal. Needless to say, Richie was not happy when he got home.

Toba and I have also been spending a lot of time snoozing on the bed. She's discovered that you can watch the people go by up there, and there's also the chance of spotting a squirrel or two.

It does get a little crowded however, especially around bed-time. As you can see, there's very little room left for Richie once both Toba and I have laid claim to our spots.

The best thing about Christmas is that both Richie and Christine are at home the whole time, and we get to spend quality time with them over the holidays.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas, and we're wishing you a happy New Year!


Thursday, December 6, 2012

My favourite things

Now that I seem to have free reign of the house pretty much all the time, my favourite place to spend the day is on the bed. Here's why:
  1. I can see out to the street without having to get up.
  2. It's a nice soft place to lie and catch a nap.
  3. The front door is very close, so I can bark at the mailman when she sticks the paper through the door.
  4. Sometimes the sun shines through, and I can warm myself without leaving my nap spot.
I like it up on the bed so much that even when Christine is changing the sheets, I can't be bothered to get off. Sure, when there's the three of us up there, and I get a little warm, I'll get off - but it's on my own terms, not theirs!

I am liking this cool weather too. I'll go outside and sit on the deck or patio for hours by myself. Of course, I'm keeping everyone safe from those humans who go by the back alley, and I keep an ear out for other dogs barking in the distance. This is also the time of the year for good squirrel hunting. I almost got one the other day... one went up a tree, and as I went around the back to see what was going on, there was another one clinging to the back of the trunk, mere inches from me! It quickly scurried away, but dog, that was the closest I have ever been to one - well, except that dead one I found in the park one day... it wasn't very fun however.

I hear Christmas is coming... I love Christmas!
