Saturday, June 30, 2012

A new car ride!

I've come to associate the "car ride" with the Rover - the big black (dark shade of grey to me) transportation device that takes us to fun places like the beach or Point Roberts. This past weekend however, Richie came home with a new thing called a "harness". It's kinda like the one I wear when I am hauling the cart, but this one fits a little more snugly around my chest.

When we went to go for a car ride, instead of getting into the Rover, they opened the door to the smaller transportation thing! This one was easy to get into, as I don't have to jump up into it (or get lifted - I am really lazy). Then a short leash gets clipped onto my new harness, and I get to ride right behind where Richie and Christine sit!

As you can see, there is no roof over this one, and I get to ride along and sniff without having to stick my nose out the window - there is no window! It took me a little while to get used to being held fast by the tether, but apparently it is for my own good. After a while, I'd lie down in the little area, and rest my head on the seat. This is the only way to travel!


Monday, June 25, 2012

Minimizing our carbon pawprint...

The other day, we got my cart out again, and went to the grocery store, and I got to haul the food back home.

I was starting to slow down a litte bit, as I didn't have any breakfast before we left home. I got a few bites of Richie's doughnut, and it gave me enough energy to get us home.


Sunday, June 24, 2012

The new kitty next door

As I was describing when Max was here, he had found that there was a new kitty that lives next door, and would bark at it through the fence at night. Well last night (sometime around 3 am, I am told),  I went outside and heard it on the other side of the fence. I went close and sniffed at it through the little hole, and it hissed and growled at me!

I then proceeded to bark at it... how dare it growl at me? Anyhow, Richie came out and threw cookies down onto the deck. I much prefer to eat cookies than bark at an unseen antagonist.

Later that morning, I showed Richie what all the commotion was about. He knelt down by the hole in the fence, and took this:

Finally, now he's seen what I've been talking about. What a funny-looking kitty!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What a day...

Today, Richie took me to the dog spa. When we got out of the Rover, I pulled and pulled on my leash to get there, but once I got in the door, I realized where we were. This is the place where I get a bath! Yikes! I then tried and tried to jump into Richie's arms and have him take me out of there, but he left me, and I got the dreaded bath and all sorts of fur trimmed (that I don't like, BTW).

When Richie and Christine came to get me later, I cried and cried, "get me out of here!". We had a nice long walk home, and I had a little bit of dinner. Then we turned around and went out again, this time over to Tyson's place, and the little one named Zoe was there too.

The humans left us all in the backyard, and went to something called a "home opener", whatever that is. Once they had gone, I sniffed around a bit, but we all ended up settling down on the deck, and I think I fell asleep. Then Richie and Christine came back, and we all went home... what a day.


Monday, June 18, 2012

Where's Paisley?

Last week, Paisley went for a walk with Christine and Richie, but she never came home with them. I thought that was odd, but it had happened before where she stayed a while at the vet. The next day when Richie was taking me for a walk, Paisley still wasn't home, so I sat on the front lawn and waited for her. She still didn't come, so we went back into the house. Christine took me in the Rover to see Max, and go for a big walk, and then he came home with us!

It was great having Max around - I almost forgot that Paisley still hasn't come home. We would go everywhere together, even over to visit the dentist! Ok, so we didn't get our teeth looked at, but we got to go over there.

It wasn't all fun and games though. Max had a habit of going outside at night/early in the morning, and barking at something on the other side of the fence. I couldn't be bothered to get up, but there will be more on that topic soon. Then one day, when I was minding my own business, about to have a few kibbles, Max attacked me! Christine grabbed him and threw him out onto the deck. I of course, continued to eat my breakfast.

This last weekend, we hopped back in the Rover and went to Point Roberts. Apparently it was something called "Father's Day", so we went down to visit the human known as Gord. It rained all day, so we didn't play too much, or go to the beach. Marla was there too, and Max left with her that evening.

We are back at home now, and I am sad that Paisley is not here.


Friday, June 8, 2012

Our trip to the White Spot drive in

Tonight we went for a special dinner at a place called "White Spot". We've been there before, but this time, we got to sit in the back seat!

After Richie and Christine ordered their food, it arrived when the nice human brought back this long, skinny tray that sat across their laps. They ate their dinner as they normally do, but Paisley and I got to share a hamburger!

Here's Paisley finishing off the last of our hamburger meal - I already had my portion, but as you can see, I'm trying really hard to get another bite.

We also got to have fried chicken strips, and french fries with ketchup. I didn't want the fries at first, as I thought that there was more hamburger left. But when I realized that it was all gone, I ate them too - even the ones that fell on the floor. We then topped off our meal with some chocolate milkshake! 

That was possibly the best dinner we've ever had.


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Human watching from the front lawn - done

Today, Paisley and I went for a visit to Richie's friend's place - Carolyn. We sat on the floor while she cut his hair! We hate it when they try to cut our fur - I don't know why he was just sitting there and letting her do that? Anyhow, Paisley ate Lulu's entire bowl of food while she was there... so much for not being hungry.

When we got home, we went out onto the front lawn and hung out, as we like to do. We were watching all the people go by, when Christine came home! We ran to greet her - ok, I ran to the end of my rope. Paisley, for some reason, doesn't ever have to be on a leash in the front yard. Anyhow, with all of the rain we have been having, I am glad Paisley got another chance to sit out on the front lawn.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Car ride - done

Here we are in the back of the Rover on our way to the dog park this afternoon. I know we look sad, but actually we are quite excited!

Then here we are again after playing at the park (ok, so Paisley pretty much just stands around). I think she still likes it... the best part of course, is when we get back in the Rover, we each get a cookie treat!


Monday, June 4, 2012

Roll around on the grass - done

They say a picture says a thousand barks. This photo says just one - bliss.

Another one off the bucket list.


Paisley got a visit and some toys

Yesterday afternoon, Richie's sister Deb and her small human, Sarah, came over to visit us. The brought us new stuffed toys, and since Paisley is sick, I let her have whichever one she wanted.

At first she wanted the blue monkey, and wouldn't put it down - even to pee!

Here she is in one of her favourite spots with the hedgehog - this is at the end of the yard, in the nook of the garden wall - she always likes to lean against something.

And then here she is in the corner of the patio, cooling off on the concrete after sitting in the sun for too long. We had a great day and evening hanging out in the backyard, and then went inside to watch a movie (well, we slept while the humans watched).


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Go for a swim with Mischa - done

This morning, we went down to a place called McDonald Park - it has a great beach for us dogs to run and play, and the water doesn't have that yucky taste. I went all the way into the water for a swim, but Richie and Christine did not want me to go too far, as the water here "moves", and they did not want to have to come in and get me. Paisley went in too, but didn't get in a full dog-paddle before she came out.

We also ran into two other Berners when we were there. One of them writes a dog blog as well - - she is obviously a more talented writer than I am, but what the heck, I am a dog after all. We had a great time, and I went "crazy puppy" - running around after them, digging, and chasing after sticks. Paisley looked like she had a good time too - she just doesn't seem to have the energy she used to however.


Frolic on the tidal sandbars - done

Yesterday, Max and his human Marla came in for a visit. We all got in the Rover and went down to the beach. The tide was way out, and we all went out and frolicked on the sand bars and tidal pools!

When we were there, we ran into Daisy and her humans! I saw her immediately, and ran for what seemed like forever to catch her. I then ran all the way back to greet Barb and her party.

Another one off the bucket list.


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Paisley's bucket list

Paisley has been on a diet again, not eating her kibble, and Richie and Christine have been trying to get her to eat anything. What she doesn't eat, I of course help myself to. She's also been to the vet a number of times, and most recently, came back with a shaved tummy again! Turns out she had something called an "ultrasound" - all I know is now she's getting a bunch more attention and has to swallow a bunch of those little white things called "pills".

Apparently we are working her way through her bucket list - the list of things that she wants to do before she "kicks the bucket", so to speak (we're not able to kick like you humans). Paisley doesn't have the energy (or opposable thumbs) to jot these down, so here's what I think is on her list (not all-inclusive):

  • Play "defense" with another dog playing fetch
  • Have a nap in the basement with Richie
  • Roll around in the freshly cut grass
  • Chase real bunny rabbits
  • Eat some raw top sirloin steak
  • Sit on the front lawn and watch people go by
  • Go for a car-ride
  • Choose my own treat at Three Dog Bakery
  • Drink out of the rainwater bucket
  • Stick my nose out the window of the car
  • Win a tug-o-war against Mischa (like that is going to happen)
  • Frolic on the tidal sandbars 
  • Go for a swim with Mischa
  • Have a Fudgsicle

More to come, so stay tuned over the next couple of weeks.


Editor's Note: Paisley's cancer has returned in her liver. While she's not in a lot of pain, she's certainly not feeling great, which affects her appetite. We've got her on Prednisone, and the vet said, "give her anything she wants". So Paisley has been enjoying a diet of hot dogs, chicken, cheese, and cookie treats.