The other day when Christine came home, we all packed up into the Rover and went for another car ride to the beach! However, this time instead of just a short visit where Christine and Richie stand on the shore and watch me swim, they laid out beach towels and sat down for a while.
I ran around the beach like a crazy puppy, and went to see everyone on the beach. I made sure that I did this just after I came out from a swim, so that I would be able to share the wonderful ocean water with them - how refreshing! Being at the beach also did not change my habit of sitting on people's feet and leaning against their legs - for some reason, people did not want me to do that to them here.
When I wasn't running around or swimming, I was digging! I dug a great big hole right between Richie and Christine - it was so big she almost fell in! After a while, Paisley came over and helped me dig, but then she ruined it by lying in the hole. Poo.
Paisley had a good time at the beach, but did not swim as much. Perhaps it was because she's had a sore leg for a while, and might not have wanted to go swimming with me.