Wednesday, June 25, 2008

3-month update

Well, here we are, after a full 3 months at my new home, and it's been nothing but fun and games. Our day starts at around 6 am (like we can tell time?), when Mischa gets up and we go outside through the dog-door. She leads us upstairs onto the deck, and she scratches at the door to wake up Christine and Richie. It doesn't usually work, but after a little while (again, no concept of time), someone comes and opens the door. We have a delicious breakfast, and sometimes get a small treat like a bite of banana, or maybe a couple of slurps of milk from the bottom of a cereal bowl.

Mischa and I lying back-to-back while we get tummy rubs from Christine

A little while later, we go for a walk down to the Starbucks, and we usually meet lots of people that want to pet us. After we walk back home, Richie goes inside for what seems like forever - no matter, because Mischa and I play hard... we run around and chase each other, play tug-o-war, or dig in our sandbox. Then we sleep - lots; I like to go back into our room since it's nice and cool there, but Mischa likes to stay outside.

Sometimes, Richie will come out and say hi to us, or let us in for a sleep on the kitchen floor while he has lunch. Other times, he goes away in the car, and comes back an undetermined amount of time later. We greet him like we haven't seen him in years.

Some amount of time later, Mischa runs to the garage for some reason - it is usually followed by Christine appearing! I don't know how Mischa knows that she will appear - must be psychic or something. We have another scrumptious dinner, followed by some sort of evening hijinx - a trip to the park, a walk, or just hanging out with Christine and Richie. More sleeping, and then it's time for bed!

My human went all the way to New York, and all I got was this silly thing!
