Friday, November 23, 2007

An exciting evening at the park

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Christine took me over to Douglas Park this evening for a walk, and this puppy comes up and wanted to be around me. He didn't really want to play with me, but you could tell that something was wrong. He was sniffing around like he was looking for food, and was really shivering. I don't think I've ever shivered, as my thick coat keeps me warm on the coldest of nights. He didn't have a collar or anything, so Christine thought he might be missing. So she waited around until some guy walked by and asked if she could use his mobile phone. Then she made a call and the next thing you know, Richie shows up in the Rover! So we all pile in, and go home (all of 3 blocks!).

When we get there, Richie looks up dog breeds trying to figure out what kind of dog he is. I'm happy to have some company, but he seems to be a little freaked out as he's shaking and stuff. Christine gave him some of my food, and he wolfed down as much food as I eat, and he's not even half my size! Anyhow, we think he's a Weimaraner-cross with maybe a Ridgeback because of his silver fur colour. Christine found a tattoo in his ear, so Richie called the animal hospital to see how that could be used to find his owner. Turns out someone else tried to catch him as well, but he was too skittish and ran off. I guess I have too much allure for him! Anyhow, they suggested that we call Vancouver Animal Control and report him, and they would try to find his family. A few minutes after leaving a message, they called back saying that there's a family that has been looking for a "Thai Ridgeback" all day. So here we are, hanging out together while we wait for the animal control girl to come get him so that he can be re-united with his family.


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Back to normal

Hi folks - I'm back. Actually, it was only a few days where I felt out of sorts, and aside from an itchy tummy, I feel good again. I think I lost a little weight since I wasn't eating too much for a couple of days, but I've been eating well lately. Christine bought me some more canned salmon (my favourite) and I get a little bit with my dinner sometimes.

So today we took a ride out to Langley again - it was a beautiful day! But for some reason, Richie wasn't feeling well, as we had a party at our house last night. We had to stop and get some pills for him at the drugstore. I think he felt like I did a week ago - except I think he knows what caused him to feel that way - I still have no idea what happened. Anyhow, he closed his eyes for a long time... we both slept for a while in the car. We finally arrived at Christine's parents house - we went there to get this thing:

This is a "PONG table" - something about as old as Christine, but Richie was playing with this kind of thing as a kid. They spent a lot of time trying to get it through the doorway into the basement kitchen - it looks really heavy. Anyhow, you plug it into the wall, and they sit beside it and stare into the middle of the table. It looks boring, but they seem to get very excited by it. It makes some weird beeping noises, and I like to bark when they are playing with it. Silly humans.


Saturday, November 3, 2007

Why am I being punished?

Last night was a tough one for both me and Richie. So apparently I had an ovio-hysterectomy; I don't know what that means, but I do know that I was in a lot of discomfort. Richie stayed with me in the basement, and when I wasn't sleeping, he would try to comfort me. I tried to lick away the irritating feeling in my tummy, but Richie would keep stopping me.

In the morning, Christine went off and came back with this thing - believe me, I am not the life of the party with this lampshade on. I'm unable to take it off, and I also can't get to my backside anymore. What have I done to deserve this?


Friday, November 2, 2007

What the heck is going on?

Today, Richie took me over to the vet again... I normally like going there - I get treats from the nice people there, and there's usually some other doggies there to sniff etc. But today was different - Richie didn't stay with me this time, and left me there. I had a long nap, and when I woke up, I felt really funny. Apparently, it was something called "morphine" that was making me feel that way. Somebody had shaved the fur off my tummy, and it feels strange down there.

Anyhow, Richie finally showed up, but I was feeling too groggy to give him my normal welcome reception. All I wanted to do was lie down... it took us about 10 minutes to walk the 30 metres or so back to the house. The second I got in the house, I laid down on the floor. When Christine got home, I cried and we went into the living area. All I could do was lie there and whimper or sleep.

I hope this ends soon,
