Monday, February 26, 2007

Bigger puppies, bigger space

Hi again! Here we are waiting for our next group of visitors to come hold and cuddle us! We are now 6 weeks old, and since we've been eating lots of solid food (and cottage cheese - yummy!), we are getting bigger quickly! Cathy had to enhance our pen to accommodate our tubby little bodies!

Here you can see that we are all anxious to be held in Christine's lap - so much fun! Everyone wants to get up there first, but there's only room for one puppy at a time... looks like we didn't figure that out, cuz there appear to be two on her lap!

We've been having lots of fun now that we're a little bit bigger - Cathy has put toys in our pen with us and we play with them just like little humans. Of course, we are also leaving our own little toys behind now too, and Cathy has to spend a lot of time picking them up so that we don't step in them - yuck!

Here's a pic of me with Richie - it would seem that I am an armful of puppy, but that's nothing compared to what I'll be like when it comes time to take me home! Look at how big our paws are getting! One of our breed characteristics is round, wide paws - it makes for very cute puppy photos, don't you think?

Catch you next time,


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Who is the cutie now?

How cute am I? Is it possible that there exists anything as cute as me? I highly doubt it. Well, maybe one of my brothers or sisters. I am now almost 5 weeks old! Notice the Swiss cross on my chest - cool eh?



Sunday, February 11, 2007

4 weeks and counting!

We are having some serious fun now. Sure, we've had our eyes open for a couple of weeks, but everything is so new, I don't think we really knew what we were doing. Now, I really feel like I understand what I'm looking at.
I know it sounds crazy, but when I look at things now, I actually see it. When my friends come over to visit, I actually look back into their eyes! We've been having a grand time wrestling and hamming it up... but we get tired really easy. Maybe I am related to Rico somehow?

So now is probably a good time to tell you where "Mischa" comes from. As I've mentioned before, we Berners originate from the mountains in Switzerland, so Christine and Richie thought it would be fun if I had some link to my Swiss heritage. It turns out that there is a group of mountains in Alps of Valais, Switzerland called Mischabel. We also grow to be quite large dogs, and Richie was saying that Paisley would remind him of a big, huggable, black bear. Well, it turns out that Misha is a Russian nickname for bear - how fitting.


Sunday, February 4, 2007

Happy Day!

My brothers and sisters and I had new visitors today - it turns out that they will be taking me home in a month to live with them! How exciting! It turns out that Rich (aka Rico), has been waiting years for this to happen. He's waited patiently until he had a house and a yard before he felt it was time to get a dog. Lucky me! I have heard that he has spent a lot of time with another Berner named "Paisley". She was a sweetheart that left us a little bit too early.
He's also been spending time with his sister's new Berner, "Lupin". Sure, she's cute, but there's no possible way that she'll be able to compete with me on the cute-ness factor. But I'm sure we'll have plenty of opportunities to play together when I get a little older. Then I'll show her who's boss! Maybe if she's lucky, Deb will go away sometime, and she'll have to have Richie dog-sit for her, and then we can play until we pass-out!

In the meantime, I'm going to spend my time eating lots, and getting bigger and bigger, so that I can play and run with the big dogs!

I can't wait for the next visit with my new owners!
